Cosmetic Treatments

Cosmetic Treatments

Chemical Peels

Professional chemical peels will help to rejuvenate your skin by fading discolorations, smoothing fine lines, and improving skin tone and texture. Chemical peels are tailored to your skin type and needs. They are designed to exfoliate dead skin cells while stimulating hydration and collagen growth. With minimal or no downtime and amazing results, chemical peels are a mainstay in beauty care routines.


It’s formulated with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), lactic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), kojic and azelaic acids, these peels come in various strengths for superficial to medium depth peels.


It’s blend combination of lactic acid, salicylic acid, kojic acid, and citric acid in a modified Jessner’s solution. These are available with or without hydroquinone and resorcinol. Jessner’s peels are best for ethnic or darker skin tones as they decrease the chance of hyperpigmentation or scarring.


Ask about Packages of 3 for only $330!

Other Cosmetic Treatments


“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend!”

Microdermabrasion is a state-of-the-art skin rejuvenation system that gently abrades the surface of the skin using a fine diamond tip. A controlled vacuum lifts off the dry, damaged cell layers, leaving behind smoother, more vibrant skin. With progressive treatments this exfoliation procedure can remove damage caused by age, the sun, and other environmental factors, leaving the skin looking years younger.

$90 (Package of 3 for $250)

$200 Combination package microdermabrasion with chemical peel (3 for $585)

Nano Infusion

Nano Infusion utilizes a non-invasive technique using a silicone-tipped cartridge to exfoliate and create microchannels in the skin’s upper layer. These channels allow for deeper penetration of skin care serums, enhancing their effectiveness and delivering visible results. When combined, Nano Infusion and a facial or chemical peel provides magnified benefits, making it an ideal choice for achieving radiant and rejuvenated skin.

$125 single treatment

$330 for package of 3

Micro Needling

Micro Needling is a comprehensive skin rejuvenation treatment. It involves the use of tiny sterile needles to puncture the skin, stimulating the dermal layer to rebuild collagen and restore hydration. This process helps reduce wrinkles, scarring, acne, and uneven skin tone, promoting a youthful, firm, and smooth texture. When combined, micro needling and a facial or chemical peel provides magnified benefits, making it an ideal choice for achieving radiant and rejuvenated skin.

$175 single treatment

$475 for package of 3